Our Vision: Partner and premier address for SMEs
We want to be the partner for small and medium-sized enterprises in German-speaking countries – the first contact for companies looking to sell and the premier address for shareholders wishing to invest their capital in the German SME sector.

Our Values: Binding
The name INDUS has been synonymous with SME values and principles for three decades.
Long-term and sustainable development
We align our actions to long-term and sustainable goals. What interests us is not success per se but success that is lasting. In our business operations we are careful to maintain an economically stable foundation.

Entrepreneurship, courage and creativity
We never stand still. We are always looking for ways to improve ourselves and to further realize the untapped potential our markets hold. We work to capitalize on opportunities where we find them.
Stability, dependability and fairness
The decisions we make are carefully thought out. This enables us to stand by our word. Both our partners within the Group and those we deal with elsewhere know that we are as good as our word.
Short channels
We believe in short channels of information and uncomplicated processes. In a competitive environment, it is important to be able to react quickly in our day-to-day business operations and avoid losing time. For this reason we are constantly scrutinizing our structures for deadwood and streamlining our processes.

Our performance pledge: Holistic
Shareholders can invest in a highly diversified managed corporate portfolio in the SME sector of the German speaking countries – with a reliable dividend from a stable bottom line.
Selling entrepreneurs
We take on the life’s work of the previous owners and help it grow.
Portfolio companies
Companies in our Group enjoy a secure environment for continuous development in rapidly changing markets.
Customers, employees, the community and the environment
We are responsible members of society.