Financial and press releases

Annual Meeting of INDUS Shareholders focuses on scope for growth

Bergisch Gladbach, 22 May 2024

  • Dividend payment of EUR 1.20 per share resolved
  • All agenda items adopted by a large majority

At today’s Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of INDUS Holding AG at Koelnmesse’s Congress Centre North, a large majority of the shareholders approved all proposals made by the management for all voting items on the agenda. The attending shareholders represented around 54 percent of the registered share capital. This year, the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting was held as a physical meeting again.

In his speech, Dr. Johannes Schmidt, Chairman of the Board of Management of INDUS Holding AG, emphasized the SME Group’s great scope for growth, especially in fields that will be important in the future: “We’re closely analyzing what the market will need in the future. Let’s take artificial intelligence for example: AI will permanently change all the processes at our portfolio companies. Our task is to invest wisely and to identify and implement the right applications.” INDUS supports its portfolio companies with an AI initiative that includes both training programs and development funds for specific AI projects. GESTALT AUTOMATION, a specialist in AI-supported automation solutions for industrial applications, became part of the INDUS Group in March 2024.

Growth through future-oriented acquisitions and internationalization

In addition to the acquisition of GESTALT AUTOMATION, INDUS has added two further promising acquisitions to its portfolio since the beginning of the year. GRIDCOM, a specialist for passive fiber-optic infrastructure components, and COLSON X-Cel, a manufacturer of industrial valves for measurement and control engineering, are successful niche providers in markets of the future. Together with QUICK Bauprodukte, a specialist in formwork and reinforcement accessories, particularly for bridge construction, the latest acquisitions presented themselves to the shareholders at an accompanying exhibition. INDUS plans to continue growing in 2024. “It is a good time to buy companies,” said Schmidt. “We haven’t seen such a wealth of interesting projects for some time. And hidden champions in future fields can be had for a reasonable price again.”

In his speech, Schmidt also emphasized internationalization as an important factor in the development of the INDUS portfolio companies: “We’re currently witnessing an increasing decoupling of the major power and economic blocks. That means it is all the more important for our portfolio companies to establish a local presence in the markets that are interesting for them, always with a ‘local-for-local’ approach.”

He clearly criticized the current burden placed on companies by increasing regulation and bureaucracy in Germany and the EU: “I fully support the aims of these reporting obligations. But we would prefer to focus on the actual implementation of measures rather than on excessive reporting. It is my hope that a greater measure of common sense will return to politics, both at the European and German level. This unabated regulation frenzy does not create competitive advantages – as is claimed – but definitely competitive disadvantages.”

INDUS remains a reliable dividend stock

The Board of Management and the Supervisory Board had proposed the payment of a significantly higher dividend of EUR 1.20 per eligible share than in the previous year (EUR 0.80). This corresponds to a dividend yield of 5.4% (previous year: 3.6%). In the financial year 2023, the INDUS portfolio companies increased their operating income (EBIT) to EUR 149.6 million (previous year: EUR 133.7 million) despite difficult economic conditions. The Annual Shareholders’ Meeting approved the dividend proposal by a large majority. It was thus resolved to distribute a total amount of around EUR 31.0 million (previous year: EUR 21.5 million). “Following the restraint of recent years – with good reason – we are once again demonstrating that we are an attractive dividend stock,” said Schmidt.

The actions of the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board were fully approved and PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH, Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Frankfurt am Main, was reappointed as auditor of the separate financial statements and the consolidated financial statements for the financial year 2024. The Annual Shareholders’ Meeting also approved the compensation report for the financial year 2023 and adopted an amendment to the Articles of Incorporation regarding the future compensation of the Supervisory Board members. A further amendment to the Articles of Incorporation regarding the right to participate in the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting was necessary due to a change in the law: The record date for proof of share ownership now relates to the close of business on the 22nd day prior to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting rather than the beginning of the 21st day as previously. The Annual Shareholders’ Meeting approved the conclusion of a control and profit and loss transfer agreement between INDUS Holding AG and INDUS Omega GmbH.

For further information on the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, the speech by the Chairman of the Board of Management, Dr. Johannes Schmidt, and the voting results, click here.

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