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INDUS reclassifies portfolio companies as discontinued operations and reports preliminary, unaudited key figures for fiscal year 2022
Bergisch Gladbach, 23rd February 2023 – Based on the PARKOUR perform strategy update published in December 2022 and the related discontinuation of the previous Automotive Technology segment, INDUS Holding AG reclassified the three portfolio companies SCHÄFER, SELZER and SMA from the Automotive Technology segment to discontinued operations. In the course of the reclassification, a revaluation of the assets allocated to the reclassified participations also had to be carried out, which was still reflected in the 2022 consolidated financial statements. The reclassification results in changes to the key figures forecasted for the fiscal year 2022. The following information is based on the Group’s preliminary and yet unaudited business figures for 2022.
- Accordingly, in 2022, the sales of the discontinued operations amount to EUR 109.7 million (previous year: EUR 108.0 million) and the after-tax result of these operations amounts to EUR -123.9 million (previous year: EUR -50.2 million).
- Sales of the continuing operations increased by around 10 % to EUR 1.8 billion in the fiscal year (previous year: EUR 1.6 billion). EBIT decreased by 19 % to EUR 133.7 million (previous year: EUR 165.6 million). This includes EUR -42.8 million (previous year: EUR -2.5 million) non-cash impairment losses on goodwill, intangible assets and fixed assets. These impairments result, on the one hand, from the significant increase in the cost of capital derived from market parameters and used for measurement in 2022 as a result of the sharp increases in key interest rates by the ECB. On the other hand, they also result in part from reduced future prospects for the units affected by the impairments.
- For the Group as a whole, the after-tax result was EUR -51.0 million (previous year: EUR 47.6 million).
- The debt repayment period – the ratio of net debt to EBITDA (of continuing operations) – was 2.3 years at the end of the year and thus below the target of 2.5 years.
- The equity ratio decreased due to the high non-cash impairment charges and impairment losses and, at 36.3 %, is below the forecast of at least 40% published with the 2021 Annual Report.
The composition of sales and the operating result (EBIT) of the continuing operations correspond to the presentation on page 92 of the Annual Report 2021 of INDUS Holding AG.