Financial and press releases
INDUS publishes first SUSTA[IN] sustainability magazine
- Magazine highlights sustainability initiatives of the Group
- INDUS awarded ‘Prime’ status in ISS ESG rating for the 6th time
- Sustainability strategy strengthened organizationally
Acting sustainably is a clear strategic guideline of INDUS Holding AG. The SUSTA[IN] sustainability magazine published for the first time today broadens the sustainability communication of the listed holding company and provides a direct insight into the sustainability activities of its currently 48 portfolio companies. The online publication supplements the classic non-financial report, which presents the sustainability targets and non-financial performance indicators of the INDUS Group, and addresses the current challenges surrounding sustainable entrepreneurship in a practice-oriented manner. INDUS’ sustainability strategy focuses on the fields of action of protecting the environment, fair work, social justice and human rights in the own sphere of influence, honest business as well as shareholder support.
“With SUSTA[IN], we deliberately wanted to approach the topic of sustainability from a practical corporate perspective and show that acting sustainably is also highly economically viable.” says Dr. Jörn Großmann, member of the INDUS Board of Management responsible for sustainability. “Because only with a sustainable and agile business model will our portfolio companies continue to be successful in their markets in the future.” INDUS’ sustainability magazine illustrates on 33 pages how a responsible approach to the environment and its resources is taken in small and medium-sized enterprises. One can read, for example, how INDUS portfolio companies use audits to identify energy savings potential, take the step towards climate-neutral production or introduce innovative technologies to not only increase production precision but also reduce emissions. In 2020, the Group reduced its emissions intensity by 10% compared to 2018. INDUS thus already meets the German government’s more stringent targets on the path to climate neutrality in 2045. Pilot projects of the INDUS Group in the field of hydrogen technology highlight the close link between sustainability and innovation. In addition, examples of the successful inclusion of people with disabilities in the production process or a look at INDUS’ Code of Conduct illustrate how important social responsibility is to the companies of the INDUS Group.
Top position in ISS ESG rating once again
INDUS Holding AG has been awarded the ‘Prime’ status in the independent sustainability rating of Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. for the sixth consecutive time in 2021. In the international ‘Multi-Sector Holdings’ peer group, INDUS achieved a transparency rating of ‘Very High’ and an overall rating of ‘C+’. The ‘Corporate ESG Performance’ rating is based on around 100 sustainability criteria from the environmental, social and governance areas, which are specifically adapted to the starting situation in the respective peer industry. “We have had our sustainability performance measured against the strict standards of external ratings since 2015,” says Dr. Jörn Großmann. “We are all the more pleased that INDUS has once again been ranked among the top ten percent of its peer group in this year’s ISS ESG rating.”
Sustainability a central component of INDUS’ corporate strategy
“Acting sustainably is deeply anchored in the INDUS DNA and thus also in our corporate strategy,” says Dr. Johannes Schmidt, Chairman of the Board of Management of INDUS. “In line with this approach, we have created an additional position in the holding company. A new employee will be exclusively responsible for promoting sustainable action in the Group from September 2021.” As of January 2022, INDUS will also support the sustainability commitment of its portfolio companies via its own sustainability development bank. The holding company specifically promotes environmental efficiency measures – such as the conversion to energy-efficient equipment, the improvement of the thermal efficiency or the use of renewable energy sources – via pro-rata financial subsidies.
The SUSTA[IN] sustainability magazine is available for download here.
The non-financial report of INDUS Holding AG can be found here.