Financial and press releases

INDUS places first ESG-linked promissory note loan for sustainable financing

Bergisch Gladbach, 15 September 2020

This month INDUS issued its first ESG-linked promissory note loan based on the ISS ESG rating. Arranged by Helaba, the sustainable bond serves to cover INDUS Group’s general financing requirements. The original volume of the promissory note loan originally was EUR 50 million. In response to high demand from investors, INDUS increased the volume to EUR 60 million. Investors were able to choose between three tranches of five, seven and ten years. The group of investors consists of savings banks, some commercial banks and institutional investors.

The interest on the promissory note loan is linked to INDUS’ sustainability rating as awarded by rating agency ISS ESG. If the rating improves, interest rates fall and vice versa. INDUS currently has ‘Prime’ status and is rated “C+” in “Corporate ESG Performance”, making the company one of the top ten percent in the international peer group of “Financials/Multi-Sector Holdings”.

Investments in green and ESG-linked bond issues are becoming increasingly popular with investors. “Sustainability has been a key element of INDUS’ corporate strategy for many years. With the ESG-linked promissory note loan, we are now continuing this strategy also where our financing is concerned. Just like the sustainability development bank, this is a further step towards supporting sustainable action in the INDUS Group,” says Rudolf Weichert, member of the Board of Management and responsible for the Finance Department.

About INDUS Holding AG:

Established in 1989 and headquartered in Bergisch-Gladbach, INDUS Holding AG is an SME holding company which concentrates on the long-term development of its portfolio companies. The industry focus is on construction and infrastructure, automotive technology, mechanical and plant engineering, medical engineering / life sciences as well as metals technology. As a leading specialist for sustainable corporate development, INDUS attaches great importance to the operational autonomy of its 46 portfolio companies. Since 1995, INDUS Holding AG has been listed in the Prime Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (DE0006200108); in 2019, the Group generated revenues of around EUR 1.74 billion.

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